Utilize your Japanese language and/or cultural skills to thrive in your career
Use the advanced search function to find jobs and apply DIRECTLY with the company. No need to create a profile here or on any other third party website.
Use the advanced search function to find jobs and apply DIRECTLY with the company. No need to create a profile here or on any other third party website.
Nihongo Jobs allows job seekers to apply for jobs via a “self-service” job board similar in format to Indeed or LinkedIn. Job seekers may click on the “Apply For Job” button located inside the job ad if they want to apply or ask questions directly with the company.
Please do not send resumes or inquiries to Ikigai Connections as that may delay your job search. Ikigai Connections is not a recruiting agency and does not place candidates with companies.
Nihongo Jobs has 3,300 job ads on average, and they get updated daily. The Featured jobs ads are also additionally promoted on the Ikigai Connections social media channels. Sign up for the weekly newsletter to get notified about future opportunities.
Learn more here about getting your Japanese job in the US, including information about all resources, services, Japanese language concerns, and applying from overseas.
Employers: Automatically get an additional 10% off the Bulk Job Ad Packages. Save as much as $345.90 for the 30-Day Bulk (Valid through Feb 14 US time) Dismiss